The Alliance for Health Promotion

Founded in 1997 at the 4th International Conference on Health Promotion in Jakarta , the Alliance for Health Promotion is a coalition of international Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO), academic institutions and other Civil Society actors from different sectors that share their commitment to improving people’s health.






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The Alliance for Health Promotion Brochure



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Alliance Milestones

The Alliance Milestones reflect on the history of the Alliance since its inception in 1997.

The Prince Edward Island Declaration

The PEI Declaration and Charlottetown Call to Action were adopted at the 6th Global Forum on Health Promotion in October 2016 and presented in this poster format to WHO 9th Global Conference on Health Promotion held in Shanghai, in November 2016.

PEI Declaration

IPE Déclaration

PEI Declaration


What is Health Promotion?

Health Promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control
over and to improve their health.
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